The Spiritual Director of the Valley Missionary Program every Sunday goes to celebrate the Sunday Eucharist in the Barrios of the Coachella Valley. This task is shared with the two permanent Deacons attached to the Program: Deacon Victor Gonzalez and Deacon Fernando Heredia.
Lately the demand to go to other neighborhoods to celebrate has forced us to form lay leaders to preside over Sunday Celebrations in absence of a priest.
Fr. Jose' Martelli c.s.c., Spiritual Director, Ha taught a course in Liturgy for seven weeks during the Summer. The curriculum of the course helped the 30 women and men who attended to be exposed to the Theology, History and Spirituality of Liturgy.
Introduction to Liturgy : Jewish and Christian Worship.
History and development of Christian Liturgy
Vatican II: Liturgy as the last moment of the History of Salvation
Liturgy as Sacramental presence of Christ
Liturgy as actualization of the Paschal Mystery
The Eucharist: its history and theology.
Sunday: the Day of the Lord
Sunday worship in absence of a Priest.
Next month a workshop on preaching will be offered.
The formation of these ministers will enable us to reach out to people who, for many reasons,have no access to a Church. These ministers will be members of an Evangelization Team who will eventually catechize and make present the Church and its mission among the poorest of the poor.