Fr. Jose Pawlicki C.S.C., Founder of the Valley Missionary Program, was aware of the need to make available to young people the experience of Jesus as a friend. As a result, two different kind of retreats have originated within the Valley Missionary Program to cater the needs of young people.
"My Encounter" retreat is given both in English and Spanish about four times a year. It is directed to young people between the age of 13 to 17. The retreat is meant to give an experience of belonging in the Church and support through the 40 youth groups sponsored by adult members of the Valley Missionary Program. The retreat is given by a Team formed by adults and teenagers.
Fr. John S. Connor, C.S.C. |
The "Path Finders" Retreat, created and directed by Fr. John S. Connor C.S.C., is meant to establish a dialogue between teen and their parents and eventually create such an athmospheere where reconciliation of mutual hurts can take place.
In addition the " Mini-Encounter" retreat, twice a year, focuses on the evangelization of children between the age of 7 to 12.
Faithful to the missionary spirit of our Program, Teams of youth have gone to Capillas de Milpillas, Quiquilpan and San Luis Soyatlan, Mexico, to give retreats to the youth of those Parishes.