On December 12, 1531, the Virgin Mary appeared to an Aztec Indian named Juan Diego, on the hill of Tepeyac, north of Mexico City. She presented herself as the Mother of God who has great love for all her children. Her image, which she painted in the tilma poncho of Juan Diego, was immediately venerated by the Aztec People. Her appearance led to the conversion of eight millions Aztecs in seven years. Her message was the same of her Son:" love one another as I love you". As our protectress, our Lady of Guadalupe is the main hostess of the Valley missionary Program Encounters. Her example teaches us to live in the divine family of God, with gentleness, peacefulness and love.
The Founder of the Valley Missionary Program, Fr. Jose' Pawlicki c.s.c. had a great devotion to our Lady of Guadalupe. Fr. Pawlicki commissioned Juan Carlos Lozano, a young sculptor from Mexico City, to make a replica of our Lady appearing to Juan Diego for a Shrine which has become the spiritual home, a real community sanctuary for the its members. Built by volunteers on week ends, the Shrine consists of an outdoor esplanade dominated by a replica of an Aztec Pyramid which holds the statue of our Lady of Guadalupe and Juan Diego. The Shrine was dedicated in 1995. The Shrine has become increasingly popular, attracting visitors from throughout the Western United States, Mexico and as far away as Europe and Japan. As a matter of fact the Shrine of our Lady of Guadalupe has been designated by the Bishop of St. Bernardino, California as pilgrimage site for this Jubilee year 2000. Every 12th day of each month at 7.00 pm ,as commemoration of the apparitions of Our Lady of Guadalupe, a solemn Rosary is prayed at the Shrine followed by the blessing of the seak. Each month a Christian Community is incharged of leading the larger Community in prayer.
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